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Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Poco-poco illegal in Perak
Poco-poco dance as a popular leisure activity among housewives and civil servants, while attending the celebration ceremony of the course and it was decided as illegal by the Fatwa Committee of the State of Perak recently.
Mufti Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria said the dance was banned because it has elements of other religions other than Christianity is the worship of spirits.
He said the unanimous decision was reached at the Silver State Fatwa Committee Meeting-186 which was to convene from 24 to 26 January.
"The study found that the dance is often practiced in Jamaica is characterized by the Christian religion. Therefore it is haram for Muslims to practice -KOSMO
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Muammar Gaddafi has ruled Libya as the African country's dictator for more than four decades. Born a Bedouin tribesman, he attended military college and almost immediately set about plotting to overthrow Libya's ruler, King Idris I. He succeeded in 1969, taking power in a bloodless coup. Gaddafi was 27. He took the title of colonel, and in the 1970s he seemed to have philosophical pretentions, publishing his so-called Green Book of political philosophy and leading Libya in a path of "Islamic socialism" while ruthlessly suppressing dissent. But in the 1980s he tangled with the U.S. and President Ronald Reagan called Gaddafi "the mad dog of the Middle East" and ordered U.S. Air Force bombings in Tripoli in 1986 that killed Gaddafi's daughter.
in 1979, U.S. fighter planes shoot down two Libyan fighters over the Gulf of Sidra. The incident worsened relations between the two countries. In January 1986, U.S. President Ronald Reagan ordered the cessation of trade and economic relations withLibya. This move followed the freezing of Libyan assets in the U.S.. Not only diplomatic is over, finance and trade, but also try to get rid of Ghadafi. U.S. fighter planes bombed Tripoli, Benghazi, and Ghadafi home in April 1986.
The 1988 bombing of a Pan Am passenger airplane over Lockerbie, Scotland, was blamed on Libyan terrorists, which led to international sanctions on Libya throughout the 1990s. Libya took responsibilty for the bombings in 2003, easing the sanctions and leading to better relations with the West.
He espoused his own form of Islamic socialism, and his foreign policy was anti-Western and anti-Israel. In 1970 he closed U.S. and British military bases and expelled Italians and Jews. He banned alcoholic beverages and gambling and in 1973 nationalized the oil industry. He made unsuccessful attempts to unify Libya with other countries. His government was repeatedly linked with terrorist incidents in Europe and elsewhere, and he supported groups trying to overthrow neighbouring governments. He narrowly escaped death in 1986 when U.S. planes bombed sites in Libya, including his own residence.
Gaddafi is claimed by the west as a dictator. The ruler who ruled the country based on islamic and have stance of anti-western and anti-israel is called dictator.
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anti-western + anti-israel = Dictator??
i think the havoc in Libya is caused of the parties who hate Gaddafi. I think you know what i meant....hehehe
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